Classic Racks was founded in 2010 by Matt Deem (Didge) with the simple aim of providing the highest quality racks and accessories for modern Vespa and Lambretta scooters. Didges own obsession with scooters began over 25 years ago and Classic Racks was born out of the desire to bring some classic styling to his own Vespa GTS.
Now under new ownership Classic Racks offers a wide range of racks, footplates and accessories for Vespa, Lambretta and Scomadi, with over 30 years in the steel manufacturing industry we still demand the same care and quality as when classic racks first began.
Hand-made in the UK
Loved by scooterists worldwide


Over the years, a number of other suppliers have promoted classic-style racks for modern Vespas, often on auction sites such as Ebay. Unfortunately, these are often poor quality and a number of buyers have learnt first hand that they do not last the test of time. We pride ourselves on offering only the highest quality items that are rigorously designed and tested.
Only a small number of distributors have the rights to sell the original classic racks.
Having sold to over 50 countries (and counting), you'll find Classic Racks on scooters from Milan to Mumbai, Sydney to San Francisco. And we love nothing more than seeing pictures of the racks fitted to beautiful scooters from around the world. If you'd like to add your scooter to the gallery, contact us at info@classic-racks.co.uk